Please take note that it takes time to complete transactions.
Do not close the page before transaction is completed.
Please be patient and follow the guideline below.
Red dot means that the NFT is not on sale, green dot means that NFT is on sale.
You may search by name, set filters sort by on sale, generation, family, recently created, price
low to high, price high to low, most viewed and oldest.
Horses on sale and horses not minted after breeding will be shown if ON SALE button is off.
To view horses on sale only, click the ON SALE button.
Click the horse you wish to purchase.
NFT that is 2nd Generation and current owner EDENHORSE means it is not minted after breeding.
Therefore you may purchase by clicking BUY button.
This is the total amount of NFT price and gas fee.
Click Confirm to make payment.
Click Confirm to mint.
Purchase completed.
You may now check transaction on Etherscan or view purchased horse on Eden Horse Marketplace.
Click horse that you own.
Set the price you want to sell your NFT.
Click for LIST FOR SALE.
All wallets require approval to sell at least once.
Click Confirm to proceed. (You only need to approve once at the beginning)
Click Confirm to pay gas fee for listing.
Your item has been listed.
Click NFT you own and that you want to sell.
Click Confirm to pay gas fee for cancel listing.
Your listing has been cancelled when you see this pop up message.
Click ON SALE to view all horses that are on sale.
Click NFT that you want to buy.
Click BUY NOW.
Click Confirm to pay gas fee for cancel listing.
Your purchase was successful if you see this pop up message.
Menu icon > MARKETPLACE.
Red dot means that the NFT is not on sale,
green dot means that NFT is on sale.
You may search by name, set filters sort by on sale, generation, family, recently created, price low to high, price high to low, most viewed and oldest.
Click the horse you wish to purchase.
NFT that is 2nd Generation and current owner EDENHORSE means it is not minted after breeding.
Therefore you may purchase by clicking BUY button.
This is the total amount of NFT price and gas fee.
Click Confirm to make payment.
Click Confirm to mint.
Purchase completed.
You may now check transaction on Etherscan or view purchased horse on Eden Horse Marketplace.
Click horse that you own.
Set the price you want to sell your NFT.
Click LIST FOR SALE button.
All wallets require approval to sell at least once.
Click Confirm to proceed.
(You only need to approve once at the beginning)
Click Confirm to pay gas fee for listing.
Purchase completed.
You may now check transaction on Etherscan or view purchased horse on Eden Horse Marketplace.
Click NFT you own and that you want to sell. Then click CANCEL LISTINGS.
Click Confirm to pay gas fee for cancel listing.
Your listing has been cancelled when you see this pop up message.
Click NFT that you want to buy.
Click BUY NOW button.
This is the total amount of NFT price and gas fee.
Click Confirm to make payment.
Your purchase was successful if you see this pop up message.